Wednesday, June 15, 2022

A Moment in Time

A moment, not a step back

I will "keep,"

In the words of Walt Disney,

"Moving forward"

But if I could steal a moment

I would most certainly do that indeed

Picture provided by:

Sitting on my grandmother's porch

Basking in the glow of the sun

Shinning down & caressing me with its warmth

I'm living it up in "Stick Town"

And Summer has made her welcome yet again

Five year-old me; slouched down in my seat

Staring out at trees

As skinny as I used to be

But I am happy 

Because this scene encompassed all I 

Thought I would ever need

The trees, the porch, the sunshine, and me

Long slender branches

Wave, standing tall as I dreamed for me

Claiming the name themselves

For which the town came to be

Sticks, everywhere

As far as my little eyes could see

Sprouting up to the heavens

And growing stronger every day 

The sun and sky would meet

Yet holding still, to a youth we both shared 

Not caring who's looking

Just happy to be right there

I'm not alone though

Besides the trees, my grandmother sits next to me

She to my right, my baby cousin on the left

We wear matching dresses

Checkered in white and green

Sewn together in love

With Grandma's own hand;

So strong, so loving

So soft, so lean

We sit together in peace

All taking in nature's magnetic scene

This right here;

That's it

The moment, the time

The scene

The company; a dream so real

If I could, I would

I'd take it, then move on

And get back to being me

Mama’s Advice

Picture provided by:   My Mama may have been right…..  But I won’t tell her though She warned me about you Loving you Let...