Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Corona Chronicles (Tragic Aftermath)

Help available for domestic violence victims | Naples Florida Weekly
Picture provided by Naples.floridaweekly.com

Wow! Only one word seems fitting enough to totally capture this moment in history, and that's "wow." Since the outbreak of the Corona Virus, our nation alone has seen so many changes. I can only imagine what is going on in other parts of the world.

It has been said that one's true colors are shown when they are down and out. From anxiety to depression, unemployment to fear, helplessness to hopelessness, sickness to death, we are all facing some sort of angst which comes from the unknown. Its a biologic attack we had not prepared for, and its sad to say that these conditions have made victims of countless many in one way or another.

Reports have shown that the number of domestic violence cases has increased; which means the orders set in place to protect our lives, have also caused those living with an abuser further risk in losing theirs. It is a sad reality to hear a father who felt his only option was to take the lives of not only his wife, but also himself and his innocent children. Could the pressure to provide have been so overwhelming that he saw no other option?

 USA Today calls it "the other epidemic." Statistically speaking the United Kingdom reported a 700% increase in helpline calls in one day; France reported a 30% increase in domestic violence cases since the start of the quarantine, and in the United States coastal cities like Seattle, New York, Orange County and Portland have seen record numbers of reports for domestic cases.  It becomes a wonder when a Starbucks down the street from my home chose to close its doors to the public during the lockdown, but every liquor store I passed stayed open.  Liquor, one of the many options we turn to when we want to escape from reality.  It gives a feigned peace, escape, and courage that we may not have otherwise.

I've watched the affects it can have on a family's dynamic being witness to my own father's alcoholism.  There was many a time when that alcohol drove my father to the constant cycle of violence in our home against my mother. For some reason, he was never abusive to me. As a matter-of-fact, when it came to his "little one", he was very protective in the manner in which he put his hands on me; afraid he may for some reason break me.  So why my mother?  The one he claimed was the love of his life.

In no way do I believe alcohol is the cause of an abuser's strike, but it sure can provide the fuel behind it.

When the quarantine has been lifted, and everyone returns to "the new normal," there will still be a level of uncertainty.  We will be going out and facing a risk (hopefully lowered) to our own lives. The job market will take time to recover, and the economy has been damaged. Its a scary thing, not knowing the answer to the questions we will continue to have; even scarier for those who live in wonder every day:  Will this be the day?  Will I live or die? Who will take care of the children when I'm gone?

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