Friday, May 13, 2016

Transgender Restrooms in Schools

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The Obama Administration has proposed that the transgender restroom issue be moved into school districts nation wide.  As much respect as I have for the man, I have to say that I strongly disagree with this present proposition.

It is currently not being upheld as a law, but it is being said that if transgender restrooms are not allowed, then districts could lose federal funding and run the risk of lawsuits.  This sounds like a threat, and it is one that is used to force an issue onto those who do not want to accept this as a part of their lives.

Only the government can and WILL use their power to bully their way into people's every day lives.  This idea is egregious because by allowing students who "identify" themselves as the opposite sex into the restroom with true members of that sex, we will be opening a Pandora's Box of troubling possibilities.

What about the safety of that "transgender" student?  Will they now be bullied for using the restroom opposite of their God-given nature?  What about the comfort levels of those who are not transgender?  Are we no longer concerned with EVERYONE'S rights in order to make those who live an alternative lifestyle feel better?

I am sorry to say, but gay is NOT the new black.  There is no way your struggle compares to the ones of my people.  There is no shame in saying I was born Black, and it is something I cannot hide, not with makeup, nor hair, dresses, or pants, hats or hoodies...  My people suffered a great burden simply because of the skin we were born in; kidnapped, and held captive, enslaved and beaten, and still today fight to get the same opportunities as our White counterparts.

This is not to say that there is no struggle in homosexuality.  I recognize that.  I believe all people should be treated the same, but changing your clothes, your hair, your body(parts) etc., will never change the XY, or XX chromosomes embedded into each cell of your body.  You were born how you were born for a reason, and though homosexuality has been around since biblical times, the problem with using separate restrooms based on the sex you were born with has never become an issue until now.

Anything goes in today's society, and as long as that is the case we will never be satisfied.  Will someone stand up and say no? If so, who will listen?  If the members of the transgender community can stand up and speak for their rights, why can't we?

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